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Doggoned Great Warranty

Did you know that the average "lifetime" shutter warranty is only good for around seven years? That is the amount of time that the average American homeowner lives in one home before moving on. The kids leave the nest or you are transferred to another location - things happen. As a result, the warranty ends when you move, which means that the equity from the shutters is reduced to almost nothing.

The O'Hair Transferrable Limited Lifetime Warranty™ is a whole other story. As it is transferrable, it is good for the life of your home, not just for the original homeowner, which means that the shutters retain their equity.

But this is just the beginning. Not only does the warranty cover the normal things that you would expect, but it even covers minor damage from pets and children. As seen in the photo, some dogs are more into chewing than others. The louvers were replaced. They kept the dog. No doubt, we'll meet again.

We have yet to deal with issues from pet beavers, wolverines or bengal tigers, but we can probably handle baboons and woodpeckers. If you have a pet skunk, that's your problem.

The real cherry on the cake, however, is the fact that O'Hair shutters are so well made that warranty repairs are pretty doggoned rare.

800 • 582 • 2625

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