O'Hair Venetians are the very best venetian blind on the market today. The feature super-strong, super stable construction with a book-matched design similar to that of a fine musical instrument. This provides superior warp-resistance and long-life and it does this in an astonishingly thin profile of only 1/8" thick.
The tilt and lift are controlled by strong and reliable 3/16" nickel-plated bead chains. Avoiding the dangers of competing designs, O'Hair Venetians™ take child safety into account, with the bead chains placed at an adult height of four feet off the floor.
They are available in a range of finishes and in slat spacings of 3" and 4", and with a choice of three attractive hardwood valances. They provide a beautiful and attractive alternative to other window coverings and they provide an ideal complement to popular drapery designs. Not only do they offer a subtle visual texture that enhances your drapery, but they provide superior light control to pull-shades and roman shades.
O'Hair Venetians™ are supported by a transferable five-year warranty. For more information, and to schedule a no-hassle in-home consultation and free estimate, visit our dealer finder to contact an O'Hair professional in your area:
Austin Window Fashions was founded in 1981 and over the past 35 years has become the premier provider of quality window coverings in the region. Their success led them to open a second branch, Window Fashions of Texas, which opened its doors in San Antonio in 2002.
AWF has been an O’Hair dealer since 1998, having been initially drawn to the O’Hair line because of the quality and the quick turnaround of this American made product. As a dealer in Millwork by O’Hair™, they begin with custom-built shutter panels and create highly tailored designs that are customized right in their own shop. This precision work is carried out by a ten-person team of carpentry and finishing specialists who also handle all the custom orders for their San Antonio location.
 Their sales team, which also handles shutter design and the precision laser-measuring process, includes a number of pro designers who have been with AWF / WFT for ten years or more. Their highly experienced installation team includes a number of specialists who have been with the company for over a decade.
 Their customers tend to be as loyal as their employees. For example, one family had an entire house done by Austin Window Fashions. Over the years, they moved three more times, having AFW create a full set of custom window treatments for each home, making a total of four homes full of custom shutters for just one family. Thanks to the quality of their work, much of their business is the result of repeat customers and by those who were referred by satisfied customers. This level of customer confidence is seen by the fact that both of their locations have held the Angie’s List Super Service Award on an ongoing basis for years and for their longstanding Homeowner Rated Gold dealer, whose stellar status is based directly on customer surveys that rate them on quality, professionalism, fit and finish, and efficiency.
As stated by owner Thomas Thom, “O’Hair’s quality is also second to none. Our partnership with O’Hair allows us to deliver the best shutter in America both quickly and affordably to our valued customers in central and south Texas”
One of the more interesting American hardwoods is knotty alter. With its warm natural hue, its personable grain and knotted figuring, this is an ideal specie for a modern yet woodsy look.
For information about top-quality knotty alter O'Hair shutters, visit our dealer finder page.
Do you prefer point-and-shoot colors or the real deal?
For many shutter manufacturers color selection is something that comes out of a book. The homeowner points to a color in a color deck or a "whites and lights" book and that's what they get.
O'Hair can do this as easily as anyone else, but we also offer precise color matching. Old paint on existing trim can change color with age, which means that a new shutter using the same paint formula might not match the existing paint.
We use a combination of spectrophotometric instrumentation and a well-trained eye to match the paint or stain to an actual sample of the existing trim, which is far superior to the basic point-and-shoot approach.
For more information, contact your local O'Hair Customs™ dealer at: http://ohair.com/Information/findadealer.html
The west coast Longshoreman's work slowdown is having a serious economic impact on companies who import their shutters and shutter components from China. Recently a letter was sent out by one company (a Chinese company operating under a western name) stating that the slowdown was affecting "all shutter companies" in the U.S.
Yes, this is a serious problem for many, but not for O'Hair.
We do not import shutters from China. Neither do we not import louvers, stiles and rails, assemble them in the U.S. and then leave the consumer to infer that the shutters are "Made in the U.S.A.".
O'Hair shutters are made from responsibly harvested American hardwood — cured, milled and assembled right here in the United States. They truly represent what the term "Made in America" is all about:
- superior engineering
- superior design
- superior manufacturing
- rock solid construction, and
- a transferable life-of-home limited lifetime warranty*
(• see warranty for details)
It is a simple fact that cheap shutters do not last. One wrong move with an elbow and it might be cheaper to replace the entire panel. A plastic pin breaks through a louver or a slapped-together dowel joint breaks apart and there you go again. You can't even rely on the term "made in America" because most "made in America" shutters are built from imported Chinese components.
You can keep pouring money into them for years, but the ongoing expense makes it as if you are only renting the shutters. In contrast, O'Hair shutters are not only made in America from American hardwood, but they are designed and built with the ideal combination of computer-conrolled milling and traditional reinforced joinery. They are designed to last for generations and they are backed by the best warranty in the business.
O'Hair interior shutters come with a transferable limited lifetime warranty that is good for the life of your home, not just the original purchaser. And it does not limit coverage to workmanship and materials. We will even toss in free replacement parts in the event of minor accidental damage. For proof of this, we recently repaired a shutter that was installed in the 1970's - some forty years ago - and this was long before the current warranty was in place.
As is the case with buying versus renting, an O'Hair shutter is yours for the long run. We will back them owner after owner after owner, and that's a promise.
One of the great things about being an O'Hair shutters dealer is our OrderWizard2 online design and ordering system. While at first glance this may not mean much to homeowners, it is actually very important. The reason is that O'Hair shutters truly are built specifically for each individual opening and our proprietary design system has been created specifically for this level of precision.
Most homeowners do not realize this, but it is fairly normal for seemingly identical window openings to differ slightly. If you have ever seen anyone frame a house, you know that the framer lays out the position of the studs (the vertical "two-by-fours") by lining them up with pencil marks on the wooden bottom plates. In many cases, they"toe-nail" them by putting their boot against the stud and using a nail gun to put two nails in one side and a third nail in the other. During this process, the studs are often bumped just a touch out of place or slightly twisted. Most building inspectors don't care if a stud is an eighth of an inch off. This means that the studs on either side the windows can be slightly off as well.
By the time the sheetrocker puts up the drywall and the surface texture has been applied, you can have a notable difference between window openings. This is particularly true with inconsistencies in the arch of curve-top windows.
By combining the careful measurement of individual window or door openings, and then using the artificial intelligence that is built into OrderWizard2, your O'Hair Shutter professional is able to design shutters that are perfect for each and every opening.
And there is one more thing – OrderWizard2 is supported by a comprehensive online help system combining text, illustrations and videos, as well as a fully-staffed hotline, providing your O'Hair Dealer with immediate and exacting design information. This means that, unlike the seat-of-the-pants method used by many other "shutter guys", even the most obscure and unusual design challenge can be easily handled by an O'Hair shutter professional. The result is a set of custom-designed, custom-built shutters that far outshine the competition.
Ornate drapery has become a popular style of window covering these days and to many people, the more ornate the better.
In some cases, drapery designs can be quite extreme, with awnings, jabots, banding, ropes, tassels and layer-upon-layer of fabric. In fact, some designs we've seen are so extreme that one would swear they had been copied from a Dracula movie. We've even seen designs that incorporate fishing nets, cane poles, rusty license plates, and bulb horns. (No kidding!)
The problem is that the more ornate the drapery is, the less functional it becomes, which means that you need to add some form of manageable light control. While romans and decorative pull-down shades are often employed, they tend to add visual clutter rather than actually showcase the drapery. In many cases such treatments tend to make the drapery look overdone or out of place.
An ideal solution for this is the use of a hardwood shutter. When color-matched to the trim and baseboard or other elements of the décor, a well-made, perfectly finished wooden shutter serves to integrate the drapery into the overall design of the room.
As stated by the late Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."
This insight into the value of experience is something that we take to heart because, to be perfectly forthright, if people choose our shutters over competing brands and they did not like our shutters, we would not be in business. It is the experience of the customer on which we have built our success.
To be more precise, our business depends on people liking our shutters for the _right_reasons_. These reasons do not include such things as being cheap, commodity products for basic do-it-yourself home improvement projects.
They prefer O'Hair shutters because of the engineering, the precision craftsmanship, the sturdiness of the design, the quality of the hardwood construction, and for our Transferable Limited Lifetime Warranty™. These are all key factors that differentiate an O'Hair shutter from the crowd. Even so, the most common comments are about the beauty of an O'Hair shutter.
We invite you to drop by our customer comments page at ohair.com and see what everyone is saying about O'Hair shutters. These comments are totally unsolicited and the majority come from online reviews from sources such as Angie's List. There is nothing like the voice of experience. Pay us a visit and see how our customers' minds have been stretched by the experience of an O'Hair shutter.
There's a lot to be said for American quality, but with some shutters this claim can be somewhat misleading. For example, there are a number of shutter manufacturers that use the term "made in U.S.A." but leave off the part, "from Chinese materials".
O'Hair shutters are the real deal. They are made from sustainably forested American timber. They are made from solid hardwood – no cheap plywood or particle board cores. They feature precise computer millwork and ultra-stong traditional reinforced joinery, and they are exceptionally sturdy. Their custom matched finishes are also quite exceptional.
When a shutter is made in America by O'Hair, the term "made in America" means exactly what you want it to mean. It is quite simply the best-made shutter you can buy.
Our exclusive shutter design and ordering system makes it possible for O'Hair dealers to generate instant previews of your shutters right in your home at the same time that they are measuring them.
Visitors to our site can experience a taste of this magic by generating their own basic designs via our online interactive shutter designer. This provides an interactive preview of a full range of rectangular panels, including choice of size, louver spacing, midrails, color, window trim, wall color, and even the view out the window. Give it a try and then call your local dealer for an appointment.
To take our interactive shutter designer for a spin, go to:
To get in touch with a local dealer, visit:
O'Hair Exteriors™ - The only heat-treated American hardwood all-weather exterior shutter you can buy. It represents the ideal blend of traditional reinforced joinery, computer-milled precision and hands-on assembly, just like our lifetime-warranted interior shutters. In addition to exterior installations, it is also perfect for bathrooms and saunas.
Step through the seasons with our interactive presentation at http://ohair.com/OhairExteriors/exteriorsfeatures.html
The O'Hair Horizon Solo™, with its single side-mounted tilt rod, offers a spectacular view without compromise. Unlike competing offerings, it is available in panels up to 50"x133", with or without midrails, and with either split or full-height tilt rods.
Unlike shutters having rear-mounted mechanisms that can bend in tall panels, the Horizon Solo™ provides full-top-to-bottom synchronization, and our ultra-straight hardwood tilt rods are reinforced with a metal continuous linkage insert for a lifetime of reliability.
As with all O'Hair interior shutters, the Horizon Solo™ is warranted for the life of the home, not just the original purchaser.
Check out these customer comments. They are sourced from Angie’s List reviews of our local dealers.
The O'Hair Horizon Tilt™ option has recently expanded to include a choice of either the standard twin or the new single side-mounted tilt rod design. Our standard twin configuration, with tilt rods that nest into the stiles and completely block the gap between the louver and stile, offers total light blockage when closed, as well as an unobstructed view when opened. The new single tilt rod option includes the nested design with a sleekness that is enhanced by a tilt rod that is trimmed to the louver spacing.
O'Hair Customs™ are made of real hardwood and made to last - no plywood core or cheap dowel construction. Compare them with Brand X "harwood" shutters.
What's so special about O'Hair's transferable limited lifetime warranty?
Compare it with Brand X: http://ohair.com/Videos/whatsthedeal.html
The shifting hue and undulating pattern in the grain of a genuine hardwood shutter is a source of natural beauty. The O'Hair Sandbrushed™ finish accentuates the grain by revealing the natural contours of the wood. Unlike the rough, abrasive sandblasted approach used by others, our sandbrush™ system uses rotating fabric brushes that create a smooth, gentle relief, resembling ripples of sand on a pristine tropical beach.
The Sandbrushed™ finish is available for all shutter styles, including center tilt panels, Horizon Tilt™, Pattern Horizontals™, Quarterburst™, and GrainSelect™. A full range of standard and custom paint and stain colors are also available (see dealer for details).
Did you know that the average "lifetime" shutter warranty is only good for around seven years? That is the amount of time that the average American homeowner lives in one home before moving on. The kids leave the nest or you are transferred to another location - things happen. As a result, the warranty ends when you move, which means that the equity from the shutters is reduced to almost nothing.
The O'Hair Transferrable Limited Lifetime Warranty™ is a whole other story. As it is transferrable, it is good for the life of your home, not just for the original homeowner, which means that the shutters retain their equity.
But this is just the beginning. Not only does the warranty cover the normal things that you would expect, but it even covers minor damage from pets and children. As seen in the photo, some dogs are more into chewing than others. The louvers were replaced. They kept the dog. No doubt, we'll meet again.
We have yet to deal with issues from pet beavers, wolverines or bengal tigers, but we can probably handle baboons and woodpeckers. If you have a pet skunk, that's your problem.
The real cherry on the cake, however, is the fact that O'Hair shutters are so well made that warranty repairs are pretty doggoned rare.