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Ultra Strong Bookmatched Components

The grain pattern of wood is a source of its beauty, but it is also responsible for the tendency of wood to twist and warp over time. O'Hair shutters are made to last, and like a fine musical instrument that is passed down through the generations, the wood from which they are constructed must be highly stable. 

O'Hair Customs ™ and dealer-customized O'Hair Shutters™ retain their shape for generations because they, like a century-old master-built guitar,  are constructed from bookmatched wood. In this process, the wood blank is split into multiple sections that are rotated and then bonded together. The result is a mirrored grain pattern that is not only beautiful, but is structurally stable and arrow-straight.

When you purchase shutters for your home, you want your investment to last. With O'Hair Customs ™ and dealer -customized O'Hair Shutters™, we guarantee it.

Why is a true mortise and tenon joint superior?

Many manufacturers hold their shutter panels together with just a few dowels at the corners and a bit of glue. This means that the actual surface contact area is minimal and the panel can easily break.

The rails (horizontal frame members) of O'Hair shutters are milled with a protruding piece (or "tenon") that fits into a corresponding slot (or "mortise") in the stiles (vertical frame members). Depending on the shutter design, the tenons range in width from just under two inches to over 11" for the largest rails. That is huge! In addition, they are assembled with tenon screws that draw the tenon tight for an unassailable bond.

With some competing panels, if you drop them on the corner, the entire panel can literally fall apart. O'Hair shutter panels are absolutely rock-solid and built for absolute reliability.

For more information, view our Ten Reasons presentation.

800 • 582 • 2625

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